Wednesday, March 7, 2012


The City has been working with the Metroview Project since 2001 and in 2006 a resolution to continue work on the project was issued by the council but no reports ever came from the Mayor or the Administration regarding the criteria on what a good development/good economic development for the city would be but on January 27th ,2012 our administration fowarded a 63 page document of the developers TIF plan. A TIF helps a developer without money,the bond holders,and MNCPPC but the city is the biggest loser here. No other financial alternatives were presented by the Mayor or the Administration as if the TIF was the only way to finance this project. During Presidents Day weekend. I was able to find a grant application for a TIGER grant and the pre-application was due on February 20th: therefore, I submitted it for $65 million. I've spent a lot of time looking for alternate financing which our Mayor and Administration refused to do because  they want to waste future tax payer dollars to buid up their egos but they do not have the professional expertise,training or experience to reel in big fish or negotiate anything substantial that will be beneficial to all the people within the city. Our TIF financial advisor stated that TIF was a last resort financing technique and was used to subsidize developers without the wherewithal to acquire financing.

The CITY has no real plan at this time and we are being pushed to spend $133 million without a really qualified economic development plan for our city. According to the Mayor on March 7th, there have been no real  counteroffers from the city or concessions to the city that would even remotely make this development deal acceptable. The city should hold off till after the MAY 7th election,on May 8th I'll establish an Economic Development Committee to develop criteria for what good
development and good economic development is for the city of New Carrollton.
All the City Council has received from the Mayor and Administration is information produced by other consultants/vendors which is beneficial for them but our city staff/boards & committees have  produced  no real benefits  to the New Carrollton community or the people of the city.

VOTE TO WIN on May 7th and the cities future  will be in professional hands . Do not go with the biggest losers.It's funny how everybody else should have done something  earlier for the Administrations benefit but I have many questions outstanding that everybody refuses to address at all. They can do NOTHING and get compensated for it while we should have told them about it earlier. When we do tell them or ask questions.What do they do ?NOTHING.There is no real accountability or checks and balances exercised because of the misconception and exaggerated role of the strong mayor. Hostile retaliation is not my game but professional collaboration  and cooperation while serving the people.YOU can make this city a better place for everbody by VOTING to WIN whicn means Wildoner In Now !.Otherwise,we all are faced with being some of the biggest losers in the state of Maryland and possibly the country.

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