Monday, May 7, 2012

New Carrollton loses the opportunity to become a professionally managed city


Good Government lost while GOOD WILL won and the city will be the biggest losers for many years to come. Scare tactics and whining won an election but no real goals and objectives or good plans have ever been discussed by the current Mayor to improve the functioning of the city as if everything is okay but it is not .Wildoner was ready to hit the ground running with a better and more competent lawyer,an economic development/advisory planning board chairman,, a contracted staff position to enhance revenue, and an open and tranparent government proposal to put us on the map at the National level. A City will live and die by their voting choices and it's clear there is no tranparency in our city government because the residents do not understand much about the reserves especially when the Gazette provides a number that is totally ludicrous and $3.7million higher than the real number.This could be my last election because there were 25 people that ask me to run and 90% of 200 houses gave me positive reasons to run but when it is all said and done there was more said than done because they did not show on voting day.The resident/voters should feel sorry for their city and not who they are voting for. Sorrow should play no role in determining or electing a leader for any endeavor in life. We are stuck with autocratic government for two more years which means no transparency and wasting of tax payer reserves and dollars which does not seem to phase the 336 voters that voted for more of the same old social club. I thought we had people interested in DEMOCRATIC Government but that is not so in New Carrollton. We have council members that do not read or understand an issue but vote for it because they FEEL like it not because it is a good resolution for the residents of the city.IT WILL BE A VERY SAD FUTURE FOR NEW CARROLLTON because the Mayor's  personal interest is placed higher than real good professional decisions for the city of 12,000+ residents. I am 6 years older than the current mayor when he first took office and more educated than our current Mayor and he was not retired when he started in his 50's  therefore retirement and time should not make any difference but capabilityand professional network should be higher up the ladder than wasting time in the city office. Less than
 8 % of the voters came out and less than 6 % sanctioned the continued erosion of our city that will be born by 100% of the residents. There were voting issues and irregularities and no provisional ballots for a former soldier that fought in IRAQ and a candidates daughter & mother that have lived in the city for 50years  to name a few.When you lose real opportunities like our city has then you did not vote for the betterment of the city but for the uncomfortableness that a politician made you go through without any real justification but just remember this time will never happen again and resources may not ever be available in the future like they are now to implement CORE initiatives.The City of New Carrollton lost great opportunities not Jim Wildoner to never be regained by anyone,anywhere at anytime.. This was not about Jim Wildoner but a true City loss.